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So i had a minor melt down. On horse back in the middle of the road.

To know a bit more I’ll just give you a bit of background information. About three months ago i had my first major fall. My horse bolted, in the process he trod on his reigns, snapped them and left me clinging on with one stirrup at a full gallop; my first gallop i must add. Not knowing what else to do I took my remaining foot out the stirrup thought “don’t get dragged” and threw myself to the floor. A night in hospital, and a fairly major concussion later i found my confidence absolutely wrecked.

But back to the disastrous hack. I have been nervous about going out with the new horse and his field mate; a 17HH racehorse. My friend and i do everything together and i finally decided it was time to bite the bullet and just do it.

17HH vs 15.2HH obviously there is quite a difference in speed, even at a walk. So we came down the hill, the racehorse being the racehorse was messing about not wanting to go out, so Bill and I lead the way. Bill was getting more and more annoyed as Clive danced around in the track, i must add at this point that it is just this track the Clive hates; we still haven’t worked out why. So we got to the bottom, made it to the road and Clive decides everything is fine now we can go at our normal pace. So he takes off at his super fast racehorse walk, and Bill and i are left struggling to catch up. We make it about three minutes down the road, Clive is nearly fifty yards in front and I am fighting with Bill to stop him jogging of his own accord.

I have asked several people about this and once again I have ended up with a few different theories: The question: Should i let him trot to catch up if I have not told him to?

Answer one: No, you are in control, only trot if you want to trot. Hold him back and win no matter what you have to do.

Answer two: Yes, he is only trying to catch up, if you hold him back he may get stroppy.

Answer three: Sort of…Hold him back for a few seconds and then give the aid to trot. That way he knows you are still in control.

So we ended up fighting down the road and all of a sudden it becomes very flash backey, I felt completely out of control and ended up getting down. Not only to stop and breath, but to get him out of the way of the four cars that were queued behind us, but to also make it clear to my friend that i was not happy with what was happening. She should have held her horse back right?! Friends were running down the pavement yelling at her to stop and her response was “I can’t stop Clive won’t move off again”.

I still have not really decided what to do about it, i want to get comfortable knowing Bill will stop when i tell him to! I think i like option three the best. i have no objection to him trotting to catch up i just want to make sure i am the one in control!